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You would think that, despite the fact that my work this week is relief teaching and nowhere near as stressful as teaching full time, I would be more than happy to get up for work in the morning. Sadly though, I still have the same dull feeling of dread that I had last year when I think about the fact that I have to get up at sparrows and face a gloomy winter morning instead of snuggling deeper under the covers and having ‘just another five minutes’.

On the upside though, I get to rock up at 8.30 and nick off as soon as the hometime bell goes at 3:20. No meetings, no homework to mark, no lessons to prepare. Still, I reckon school shouldn’t start until 10:30, at the earliest. Much more civil.

Here’s a tune that has been colouring this grey afternoon as I toast my toes on the woodstove and cuddle deep into the couch cushions.

My third taste of Regina’s new album Far is much more promising than ‘Laughing With’ and ‘Blue Lips’ I think. Though the album is streaming over at NPR, I’m holding off for now until I can buy the proper CD. ‘Folding Chair’ is playful and catchy with a couple of lines that made me laugh out loud the first time I heard them – an instant winner in my book.

Don’t make frowns…you silly clown.

Folding Chair – Regina Spektor